Let me tell ya, out of all the rare treasures from Pandaria Rare Spawns I've gotten, I've been having the most fun out of the novelty item, Ai-Li's Skymirror. What's it do? It copies the exact appearance of another player unto you for 10 minutes. Doesn't seem like much, does it? But when you think outside of the box a wee bit, you can get ALL SORTS of fun mayhem going on.
For example - There's a Bear Tank in a random, and you're one of the DPS. Immediately copy Bear Form, and BAM! Now people are wondering how in the WORLD is the Tank doing so much damn DPS?! Is Bear Form better than Cat all of a sudden? NOPE! AI-LI'S SKYMIRROR!
Ever want to show people your inner demon? Find your friendly neighborhood Demo Lock and have them transform. One application of Skymirror later and HOLY COW, YOU'RE A DEMON. AI-LI'S SKYMIRROR!
Now, some people like to say Land Sharks are what's in. And those people would be right. But since finding a Land Shark is like finding Sasquatch, we're going to go with the next best thing: LAND MANATEE. Find a Druid, have them go Manatee Form, and then let loose with your trusty Ai-LI's Skymirror and show the world the glory that is the LAND MANATEE! Or the LAND ORCA if that Druid is glyphed that way and you have a thing for Orcas. AI-LI'S SKYMIRROR!
I'ma continue to experiment with this nifty transformation tool. Like I said, all sorts of mischief can be made with it!
If you use
![]() Anyone else got great ideas on fun with this nifty item? |
Short answer to that theory, no. *Unwraps the tinfoil hat so mind-control rays from the Sha of Happiness can enter your Gnomish skull* {◕ ◡ ◕} |