I've noticed something. Last week, I cleared the LFRs after reset.
Later that day, ran them again with the guild. To help out.
I know I can't get any gear from it, but after killing a boss, a little window popped up that said,
"You are not eligible for the following loot because you have already looted from this boss." Or something along those lines.
And in the box was a picture of a tier token.
Is that really necessary? They couldn't just not have anything happen after you kill the boss? I like running LFR when I'm bored with pals. But now, I don't want to, because it's a sad moment when Blizzard says, "Hey, we were going to give you this. BUT. You already looted from the boss this week. So we'll just keep it. Thought we'd let you know though."
Please. Take this out.
Friends ask me to run LFR with them, and I have to say, "No, I don't really feel like running on a treadmill while Blizzard dangles a metaphorical Twinkie in front of my eyes."
It just seems a bit redundant.
I've noticed something. Last week, I cleared the LFRs after reset. Your frustration is completely justified, Xeylas. This was not meant to happen and we fixed the issue with Patch 5.1. |