Today my friend logged on his account to post in a thread concerning our realm, but he couldnt.
Reason: Last week he had posted in a thread concerning people quitting due to bots.
So blizzard has banned him from forums for spamming, they refer to his one post in that thread concerning an issue that is very real.
(i can get a screenshot of their mail regarding his banning from forums).
This lead me to believe that Blizzard actively is silencing it's subscribers wanting to find out what Blizzard is intending to do about this very real issue.
Is there anyone else who has friends that has been banned in such a underhanded way for posting in threads about issues that Blizzard seemingly wants to put a lid on rather than adress and solve?
I actually believe i will get banned for posting this.
/disgruntled Customer.
We won't discuss disciplinary actions taken against specific players, and you should know that making a post about such a thing is also against the forum rules.
The forum rules are quite clear when it comes to making duplicate threads about the same topics. Simply posting in one of these duplicate threads does not bring about a suspension, however, actively encouraging others to make additions threads may do so. In regards to the suggestion that we're trying to silence anyone, I think a quick glance at the forums would prove otherwise. But as we've said over and over, duplicate threads do not help with anything, they just clog up the forums and prevent other important topics from getting the visibility they deserve. |