Toons like me are winning gear we simply dont need!..Gear that i would pass on in a roll mode..and a deserving toon would win...After "winning" my third neck piece in three weeks and d/e ing it..something has to be said.
Open old loot dailies is a bad design..after xmas watch your subscribers plummet..youre going in the wrong direction..
If you have a concern or an issue with the game, craft a post that explains why. Let the details of your post give merit to the concern(s), rather than purporting that, if we don't listen to you, the game will die.
We're listening anyway. The hyperbole is just deafening. Toons like me are winning gear we simply dont need!..Gear that i would pass on in a roll mode..and a deserving toon would win...After "winning" my third neck piece in three weeks and d/e ing it..something has to be said. |