I killed Wind Lord for the FIRST time on LFR just right now and it says i already killed the boss and I wont get any loot ( I won gold anyway so i dont care ) But im just posting so that it may get fixed :) That mace off empress has my name on it and i dont want this to screw anything up D: http://imageshack.us/f/818/wowscrnshot111312172214.jpg/
~Someone asked me to post this in general forums as well so here you go! ^_^
We made a hotfox for Heart of Fear Raid Finder loot issues. Heart of Fear is now safe for your Raid Finder adventuring needs; where giant Mantids want to rip your face off.
For players who were affected by this bug before it was fixed, we're currently discussing the best resolution and will provide an update as soon as we can. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7004017847 |