I would like to ask a question and offer a solution of sorts.
My question is; Is Tuesday at 05:00 Am the best time for you all to do the maintance from a programer persective? If not then here is a solution.
Why not do the maintance starting on midnight of the last break day I.E. sunday(monday morning) or like on Veteran's Day monday(tuesday morning) this would if I am right in the machanic do two things.
1) There would be less people on and effected as most of us go to bed early to start the next week.
2) If you have to extend then the game would be back up by 09:00AM PST and there would be less people to complain as they would still get time before the kids are home or all the work people flood in to do their stuff.
Just trying to help I know you have heard lots of griping and I am trying to not be that person Thanks for the great work and the Awesome gaming I get from your product.
Very Respectfully
Please help us consolidate discussion regarding this by posting in our sticky thread: UPDATE: Maintenance has been extended until 3:00pm PST. Thanks again for your continued patience. |