Been trying to find myself some real good coffee to drink lately. Not much of a coffee drinker until recently so haven't really tried much of it outside starbucks and even then there are so many combos. So any suggestions on what would be good.
I am looking for something hot but smooth (nothing to bitter) and gives a refreshing flavor, something you can't get tired of after a couple days. Or just tell me your favorite coffee.
Been trying to find myself some real good coffee to drink lately. Not much of a coffee drinker until recently so haven't really tried much of it outside starbucks and even then there are so many combos. So any suggestions on what would be good. My friendship with coffee got started when I started working at Blizzard, overnight shift. If you're looking for a smooth non-bitter brew try cappuccinos. I know some swear by lattes, but I like my coffee to taste more like coffee and not...warm milk with coffee. |