If you enjoy dailys please let us know.
As for the rest of the real people who arent blue posters posing as customers and can not stand doing dailys over and over and over again that are boring repetitive rerun tv shows. Please let us know.
I for one have had enough dailys to last me a lifetime, I was sick of them back in BC and I'm even more sick of them now. Dailys are being forced down are throat like a bad tv rerun even if the blue posters state otherwise you require the rep in order to get valor/ justice gear.
I do not watch reruns over and over again on TV and for something I am paying montly for I do not want to do the same quest over and over again like a bad TV rerun.
Just another bad development choice on the part of ghostcrawlers team!
Not only are voting threads not very useful, this one is based on a false (read: silly) pretense.
If you enjoy dailys please let us know. |