I was normal once upon a time. Just your average 43yro that likes MMO's. That all changed July 30th, 2012. I drove myself to the ER with a a swollen leg and abdominal pain. The ran a basic series of CT's. I have a tumor. At this point they admitted me to the hospital. July 31 I had my Biopsy, while I was under they ran a quick test on it, it's malignant(sux to be me at this point )more carving and they installed a Power port by my right collar bone. 2 days later due to the swelling in my leg I was also blessed with a Greenfield Vena Cava filter to prevent the blood clots that are forming in my leg from breaking loose and causing me some real serious problems. I have Non Hodg. Lymphoma. Why am I writing this here. Because I want to shout my thanks to the people in Warcraft have been more supportive in this mess than 85% of people that I have known 5, 10 even 15yrs(that is what really breaks me down). My guildies have made me feel more appreciated in the past 2 1/2 weeks. One of them even drove out to the hospital helped me get home got me settled in my house after I was released from the hospital. I had my first round of Chemo on the 8th my next is on the 29th then 4 more after that every 3 weeks. I want my left arm back to normal(biopsy site) I'm also a lefty to boot so its really annoying the hell out of me right now with the limited movement. Again I am just rambling here cause I wanted to.
My heels are dug in. Dr's give me excellent prognosis of beating this.