I know, I know. I have said some..not so nice things about Pandaria. I've said some not so nice things about the CRZ fail. (Alright I've said a LOT of not so nice things about CRZ.)
While I still wish CRZ would fall off the face of the planet and burn in the fiery pits of unimaginable hell and may its' ashes be scattered and lost forever into the nether I also have this to say:
...This has been THE BEST....launch, since World of Warcraft's release. There is no lag, no latency issues, the respawn times are fast I can find nodes..... the quests are stinking AMAZING. The interaction is beautiful - the pet battles are FUN (And I loathed the thought of them.)
The cinematics and voice acting has made me squeal like a little school girl.
I've only done the first 50 quests or so in the Jade Forest (if that). I had to stop to say..
I'm sorry.
This expansion..is so far....-amazing-.
Again. Sorry for the harsh words....... yes, I do feel like a jack***.
P.S. I forgot to add in something. The first expansion ever WHERE THE SERVERS DIDN'T CRASH!!!!!