Some people won't be because of RL events, so whats yours if you aren't and if you are then I'm jelly!
Me I have school Tuesday morning so sadly I'll have to wait till I get out. =(
also whats the first thing you're gonna do :o
I have a load of responsibilities that will likely keep me from being able to play the moment Mists of Pandaria is released, but I’m looking forward to tuning-in for the live stream of the midnight launch party. Once I’m off work though, I’ll be heading over to the Irvine, California launch event and taking in the sights and sounds of the spectacle. When that’s concluded, I’ll be heading home and logging-in to chart my course towards the new adventures that lie ahead for my main character in Pandaria. After some questing, I’m hoping to catch a bit of sleep since I have to work early the next morning, and we certainly have a busy week ahead of us.
It’s a minor price to pay to work for such a great company. While some friends I know are taking vacation or “sick” time to immerse themselves in Mists of Pandaria, the reality is that helping to ensure a smooth launch is my biggest priority, and it gives me a sense of pride to be able to support the community during these busy times, and relax when I can. It’s not a race, after all. There’s a ton to explore and experience along the way. |