So it's no secret that hate speech is slung around WoW like parade candy. Thing is, few people have suggested a solution. Well you're in luck, today I will suggest a solution.
If a racial/ethnic/sexual slur/epithet is used by a player in chat they are immediately banned for 3 days. No review process, no 'you must have this many votes to be banned' they just get banned from the game for 3 days. It wouldn't be that hard to implement seeing how as we already know the slurs/epithets, they serve no purpose beyond harassment and the language filter blocks them out already anyway. Just tweak the language filter code so if a player says a slur in chat they get banned for 3 days.
This would be easy and cheap to implement and it would go a long way toward cleaning up the community and making it accessible to more players, ergo earning Blizzard more potential subscribers and more money.
This is not a joke, I am serious. Hate speech should not be overlooked in a community based game such as WoW.
If you have something to contribute to this post feel free. But if you're here to troll please leave and don't flame on your way out.
EDIT: Many people are misreading the post. I am not saying players should be allowed to ban other players, I'm saying that the game would ban other players. It would be automatic. No report would be filed and the chat would never see the window. As soon as they hit 'enter' with that slur/epithet in their chat line they would get banned.
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