After the reddit AMA, we got some insight to the lore figures that will help shape the story of Mists of Pandaria.
Jaina - Leading the Kirin Tor, but seeing the group as a beacon for the world after the war ends. She's apparently all supportive in removing Garrosh and Blizzard keeps insisting she's not going to be neutral, but all they've revealed still seems dubious at best.
Anduin - They like him and want to develop him, but it sounds like that's down the road.
Sylvanas will play a part in the story in Mists of Pandaria.
Koltira is not in good shape right now, but won't be explored further in MoP.
Thrall will be coming back as a Horde only side for questlines in 5.1
Vol'jin will be taking a roll and is the focus of the next novel
Rexxar was mentioned, but only in response to someone calling for him as Warchief (a red herring reference only most likely)
So with 2 Alliance figures even slightly mentioned and some insight to more Horde lore figures, I have to ask....
What are we supposed to be expecting, Blizzard? Who of our leaders are we supposed to see involved in MoP? One assumes Varian is a key figure, but we've not heard a whisper of the Trials of the High King since it was first mentioned (btw, please reconsider that. Make it Varian taking on the role of High General in succession to Anduin Lothar. It would be far more fitting for the Alliance and to Varian personally).
Does Tryande and Malfurion have any involvement? The night elves know the pandaren from 10,000 years ago. Is Shandris Feathermoon going to be leading forces in Pandaria (she would be an awesome prominent figure).
Will the Council of Three Hammers develop? Metzen suggested they had plans for them, and Magni, way back at 2011 SDCC, but nothing has been said since.
I'm hoping the Alliance lore gets a little more teaser material this Tuesday with the Best Buy chat. I particularly want to know who we might expect to see get involved and when we should start seeing some rumblings.
A lot of these are very good questions, but as with so many tales, telling you too much now would risk spoiling what’s to come. You’ll just have to hang tight and experience the journey ahead firsthand as it happens.
I’d also humbly suggest that if you are curious about the storms that are brewing in Azeroth, you would do well to check out the new World of Warcraft novel, Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War. The book delves into quite a number of prominent lore figures as they try to find their place during these uncertain and turbulent times. |
A lot of these are very good questions, but as with so many tales, telling you too much now would risk spoiling what’s to come. You’ll just have to hang tight and experience the journey ahead firsthand as it happens. In my own opinion, it’s hardly “unnecessary product placement” since the novel directly delves into many of the issues brought up in this thread. It’s also really not my place to spoil the content of the novel for those that might be interested in reading it, and you never know who out there might be unaware of it or that it’s been released. On a more personal note, I purchased the digital pre-order for it many months ago, and on one particularly late night, I received an email notification letting me know it was available to read. While I needed sleep (perhaps desperately), I actually ended up staying up and reading it straight through in one sitting. I truly enjoyed it, and I’ve continued to babble about it on my CM Twitter account for weeks now because I think it’s a fantastic lead-in to the upcoming pre-launch events and Mists of Pandaria. I don’t get a dime for suggesting that others might enjoy it. Just like when you get out from a great movie and want to tell your friends they should go see it because you just know they’ll really dig it, that’s the same way I feel about this book.
Hopefully you’ll be pleased with some of the upcoming content we have shaping-up. The pre-launch events are definitely story-driven. |