But Penance is dealing way too much damage. With the way it currently works in lower level battlegrounds all i'm seeing is disc priests who damage, instead of heal. Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't disc a HEALING spec? Please stop giving players the tools to play their class/specs wrong.
I wouldn't be surprised if I started seeing people try to play disc in 85 instances as DPS.
Because Blizzard is allowing it.
Anyways, i'm not really arguing the fundamentals of disc. I happen to love how it plays post 5.0. I'm just concerned with how "over powered" penance and disc damage is in lower levels. Mainly because if they're out damaging all other DPS classes/specs I feel it breeds a false impression that disc is competitive and viable at max level.
In which, its not. Granted you can still do damage and contribute to downing content. You aren't going to actually be able to play the spec as a DPS. At least not at this point in time.
That is all.