Update: 9/12/2012 1:45 p.m. PDT
The full AMA transcript is now available on the front page of our website, sorted according to each developer's responses. -- Update: 9/11/2012 8:00 p.m. PDT The AMA has concluded. Thank you to those of you who participated! We plan to post a transcript on our front page in the near future, but until then you can read the full AMA here: http://redd.it/zqm8d -- It’s been two weeks since patch 5.0.4 was released and, with only two weeks to go until Mists of Pandaria takes the world by storm, we feel that this is the perfect time to give you access to the World of Warcraft development team. Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 11 beginning at 5:30 p.m. PDT, we’ll be conducting a live developer “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) on /r/WoW. I’ll be on-hand to host the chat and will have Lead Systems Designer Greg Street, Lead Quest Designer Dave Kosak, Lead Encounter Designer Ion Hazzikostas, and Game Director Tom Chilton available to field your questions. We’ll spend at least an hour working to answer everything possible. So if you have any questions about patch 5.0.4, Mists of Pandaria, and anything else pertaining to World of Warcraft’s story, content, and systems design, come prepared! We want to cover as many different topics as possible and hope to address a wide array of inquiries from participants. We'll be choosing questions based on the information we can reasonably provide, and what kinds of answers we feel will be the most compelling and informative for the entire audience. Be sure to up-vote the questions you’d like to see addressed the most! If you haven’t done so already, head to reddit and create your account. It’s easy and completely free. Also, keep in mind that /r/WoW is not owned or operated by Blizzard Entertainment. The folks who maintain that subreddit are kind enough to host us, so please be respectful of the great resource they’ve set up for the community. We hope to hear from you tomorrow! |
Inc 5000 questions on CRZThey won't be that specific. Yea, it's totally fine if we have some strong critics asking questions. I just really hope if the questions come from a place of unhappiness, it's clear to everyone reading that X design is the cause of said unhappiness. I'd like to believe that'd make the readers, posters, and us all happy. :) Edit -- Happiness: making people happy since people. |
Nope! That's the opposite of what an AMA is about. CRZ questions are expected. We see this as a great opportunity to clarify some things about the system. ;) |
If you think that's the best answer these guys can muster, even to the issues you listed in your post, you don't know them very well. An AMA isn't about maintaining good appearances, as it seems you implied in your post. It's about having frank discussions with the community in a less formal setting -- a place that happens to have an excellent system of bringing the most popular questions to the top. So come ask something. And if you don't want to, at least read along and up-vote the questions you'd like to see answered most. That's the important job of the audience. We'll worry about the part where these four developers want to answer as many questions as possible, in the best and most informative way possible, within a relatively small time frame. It'll be fun. We hope those reading will find it insightful, and we expect to learn a lot from them as well. :) |
To hell with reddit and twitter and facebook!... all the devs should do a strictly Q&A thread here on the wow forums like once a month. Sometimes different formats work better for different types of content, or avenues for engaging one's audience. Reddit's system for displaying posts based on reader votes makes it ideal for trying to answer the "most important" questions. That is, it's very transparent to you and us what questions most of the readers want to see answered. We tend to get thousands of questions when we hold developer Q&As, so having a system filter those for us by popularity is useful. We did one of these for Diablo III a couple of months ago and it went quite well. This is our first time hosting a World of Warcraft chat on reddit, so we're very anxious to get it going! |
In a general Q&A like this, art questions tend to be few and buried. I agree one needs done though! I'll see if we can sketch up a Q&A specifically on art and get that team better exposed to the community. I think it'd be fascinating. No promises yet though. ;) |
Hmm. We'll consider that. Anyone else have an opinion for or against this? |
This is how I know I'm a cynic. If the topics are based on user votes, who is to say that the fanboys aren't going to flood votes into questions about things other than this awful patch? And if they choose to give some 'dance around' answer to the topics people want to see, how long before a follow up question could be voted up to actually call them out on it? This thing is lasting, what, an hour? That time will fly by, and honestly I doubt much depth will be shown. I don't particularly share your view and feel it's a little unfair -- to have it reduced to a "stunt" when its inception was in direct reaction to all of the feedback we've received on the forums about patch 5.0.4, is saddening. But I do agree that we won't be able to cover everything with an amount of depth that will please everyone in the time allotted. The idea, though, is to tackle really targeted questions people have about 5.0.4 and Mists head on. It's a high-speed method of disseminating information with two-way communication (as opposed to the blogs and interviews you referenced). We can then compile all of that into a very visible transcript, at which time we hope to keep the dialog going on the forums, reddit, Twitter, etc. |
Well, no, I put it in quotes because what questions about this game are most important to a person is subjective. Your post is almost a direct reflection of that. The fact that you might disagree with a majority of readers about what is most important or most interesting is a startling indication of humans acting all human-like. I'll concede one thing though. This AMA would be way better for you if you got to choose every question. If only a community worked that way, right? :p |
We'll try to make sure we get a transcript posted on our site afterward as well. :) |
Yea, I need it. I was about to play Diablo III, but I can't get work tasks off my mind! Well, no, I put it in quotes because what questions about this game are most important to a person is subjective. Your post is almost a direct reflection of that. The fact that you might disagree with a majority of readers about what is most important or most interesting is a startling indication of humans acting all human-like. We like reddit. It's a popular platform. While our main focus is the front page of the WoW site and forums, at times we want to reach out to our community wherever they reside -- Facebook, Twitter, reddit, etc. We'll try to gather a transcript sometime after it's over for those who can't make it. |
The AMA has concluded. Thank you to those of you who participated! We plan to post a transcript on our front page in the near future, but until then you can read the full AMA here: http://redd.it/zqm8d
The full AMA transcript is now available on the front page of our website, sorted according to each developer's responses.