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Glossary of Terms

blizz -> wysłany:
I'm just trying to lock down the meanings of some key terms used on these forums. I've gleaned the meanings from looking at the myriad uses of them through various different posts. Please let me know any corrections. I will extend the list as I see fit.

MMO (n): A game where the AI is so advanced it seems like many of the characters are controlled by human beings. This is obviously not really the case, there's no need to treat them as such.

Fanboy (n): Anybody who mentions anything positive about the game or Blizzard. This game is not for fun, the default emotion is hate.

Fanboi (n): Variant of Fanboy (above). Replacing a "y" with an "i" indicates that you are a message board champion who's opinion is more important than anybody else's. If somebody calls you a fanboy, call them a fanboi and it's checkmate.

Hater (n): If you aren't a fanboy then you are a hater. The reality is that most people in the World (of Warcraft) sit precariously on the border of the two, hence all the confusion and bitterness.

Rouge (n): A common Freudian slip. Some people find the sneakiness of rogues so alluring that it makes them want to rouge their cheeks and stand coyly around capital cities hoping they get pickpocketed.

Vanilla (n): A place referred to in other works as Eden, Shangri la or Utopia. In Vanilla everything is perfect. The grass is greener, the sky is bluer and the birds are birdier.

TBC (n): Stands for "To Be Continued". It was. Get over it.

Casual (adj): The c word. Anybody who plays less than 100 hours a week. Everything Blizzard does is aimed at these parasites, trying to enjoy their game - they just don't understand, they weren't there man.

Hardcore (adj): Unfortunately in WoW, unlike fashion, the opposite of casual is not smart - it's hardcore. So just to recap Hardcore <> Smart.

Nerf (n, v): When Blizzard do anything to decrease your power relative to everyone else. Nerfs are bad. If another character is nerfed then this is a buff, which is good (see below).

Buff (n, v): When Blizzard do anything to increase your power relative to everyone else. Buffs are good. If another character is buffed, then this is a nerf, which is bad (see above).

Balance (n): This can only be achieved when every class is buffed without any classes being nerfed. Further Reading: Catch 22.

Newb (n): Anybody who started playing the game more recently than you. Many newbs don't realise that a large percentage of the community were never new to the game, and were in fact born with an innate knowledge of everything about the World (of Warcraft).

Noob (n): Once skill level is normalised according to character level, iLvl and Timbermaw Hold reputation, a noob is anybody with a score less than 17.8.

Nüb (n): Anybody who gets Newb muddled up with Noob.

Edit: Corrected the distinction between noob and newb. I'm such a nüb.
blizz -> wysłany:
I realise this is going to be an unpopular move, but I'm going to lock this. Some of the 'definitions', while presumably meant to be tongue-in-cheek, are a little degrading or insulting, and just outright misleading in some cases. This is meant to be a positive place to come and discuss things about WoW, not to define others in a myriad of negative ways (regardless if it's serious or not).