I listen to the in-game music. I know I sound like a broken record, and admit that sometimes I might turn it off for a bit, or put on other music if I'm in the mood (don't tell the composers!), but honestly, the majority of my time in game is with the music (looped) on. I've grown really attached to the memories and feelings that go with the music in the particular zone or area I'm in. Not to sound too much like a fangoil, but the music for Mists of Pandaria is as stunning as the zones you'll be living in. Hopefully we'll be able to give you a taste of that before the expansion goes live if you have yet to give a listen. |
I listen to a pretty wide variety of music. The more the better really. It all depends on what I'm doing as to what I could be in the mood for. I have specific music I like for creative writing (for example) and music I'll listen to when trying to get other tasks at work done (usually something energetic if I'm trying to meet a deadline.) So yes, I like Linkin Park too. |