I'm here today not to just !@#$%, although some will call this trolling, or wutever bcuz that’s the word of the week & only thing most can think of.... But these forums were meant for speech so here one goes...
I’m here today to tell you about the conspiracy theory of blizzard yes, blizzard is on its way to being bought out by none other than Chinese farmers or (CF's) for us that hate them... yes boys and girl you have heard it here. Blizzard doesn’t want you to know this... But you can all see as time is coming on to MoP that the Chinese farmers have won.... Mist of Pandaria is a way to show that CF's have bout out blizzard because we are going Asian persuasion... Look at the drastic changes in the game... IE: the recent security breaks made from Asian areas where there hasn’t been security breaks to your accounts in ages. Now all of a sudden when MoP is bout to come out... It happens that’s right blizzard is running out of money & is actually allowing these things to happen.
Furthermore look at the setup and theme of the new "Patch" set in all Asian themes, with panda bears... Panda bears... are you kidding me, it was weird enough having walking hamburgers now we have Panda bears... monks by the way... can’t wait till we have monks in SC2... I know I saw the little murloc thing in SC2 when you check that secret level... which was funny... But panda bears... yea this is going a bit too far...
Not only that to show you that Blizzard is truly turning & is bought out... we are going Pokémon... go run around Azeroth and other places collecting animals... are you serious.. When did my favorite hack and slash turn into Pokémon... I’m telling you folks Blizzard has completely sold out, and is taking your hard earned money and running before they turn this game over to Those CF's.
I ask you all to help me fight back this Tyrannical Take over before the next thing we see added to our beloved game is Chinese Takeout… Y'all can hate me for what I’m saying but those of you that aren’t afraid to speak up against the bull^-*! that is happening stand with me… & say no blizz!!
No Blizz
Y’all need to reevaluate your security
No Blizz
Y’all need to stop making stupid changes to a game that didn’t have any ties to the real world IE NO panda express
No Blizz
If y'all are going to add anything where is the AMERICAN Side to this game, where are the American references!!
No Blizz
Your crappy storylines & rush delivery gaming needs to END… If anyone... anyone out there believes as I do that Blizzard has gone too far here is your chance…
Y'all shouldnt charge a dime for crappy upgrades that go no where.. Where did the story line, and sense of the game go...