First off, 2 things:
• I don't have a beta account, so can't post in the MoP forums.
• I'm against the account-wide merging of pets, mounts, titles, or achievements.
That said and knowing my dislike of the coming feature, onto my question...
If someone buys a virtual pet, say a guardian (BoE pet), will that pet be made account-wde? What happens if said person had bought several of such pets and used it on each character? An account-wide pet merge would cause them to have wasted some money.
Same goes for TCG pets. If someone has several TCG pet cards and used multiple to cover each character, what id those pets get account-wide merged? Wasted cards that could have been given to friends.
I've never bought a virtual pet or mount, though I am interested in them. I don't want to invest into multiple of any of them, if they are just going to be given to my other characters for free.
I do have a few TCG pets on this character, with a few doubles of the cards. I'd like those pets on other characters and willing to use the cards to do so, but if they get account-wide merged, I'd prefer giving them to friends.
I understand MoP is in beta and things can change, but this is something that I'd like to know a definite answer to before I make any decisions on spending my money or wasting cards that friends would love to have.
First off, 2 things: We'll be sharing more details on how the system will work at a future point in time. There are still some details being worked out (and tested), but once we have it all determined, we'll be sharing it with everyone so as to avoid confusion on what you can expect. |