Where has all of the updates gone. I can't remember the last time anything was added to this game. I know blizard is busy and blah blah, but nothing?? really? where does that 15 bucks a month go. I know most of u will say "Just quit" and I probably will, but I miss enjoying the game. The raids are easy and the content is old.
We're working on the next expansion. We understand that people want new content and are hungry for it, but we have to also be able to recognize when we need to put our efforts into the next expansion rather than trying to divide up our focus too much. I'm sure many of those that are in the beta will say that it's come a long long way. We're making great progress and are looking forward to getting the expansion out to everyone as soon as we possibly can. There is still a lot to do in the game that perhaps you've never taken the time to do in the past. I acknowledge that doesn't make-up to many people the lack of new shiny things to do, but we're hoping we'll make the wait worthwhile for you. We've been running summer challenges as well that we hope inspire people to go back to see older content again or perhaps even for the first time. There's a lot to do in World of Warcraft. The limitations often are self-imposed, such as if you don't like PvP or don't like Raiding or Achievements. Many people are spending their time with Transmogrification right now as well. I'm sure there are many others who could give you some great ideas of things you could try. |
None that I can share yet. :( |
I can't unfortunately. There are certain things that need to be in place before we can say an announcement is even coming or not. It's not solely up to me when it comes to "big news" to reveal it. I can at most say, "we're getting there". And we are. I just can't say how many miles it is until we are there. Yes, we realize that we've been promising faster content more often. We still want to do that, we're still striving to do that. We're also not going to just toss content out the door to you in bits and pieces and hope it's good enough. We will continue to strive to create something with some meat on its bones (so to speak) before we give it to you. We've sort of created our own problem in this regard. When we've done smaller patches, people expected more out of them than what we provided and quickly consumed the content and were just as quickly asking for more. Creating larger more robust patches and releases has offered more to do for more people, but we get into the issue of it then being an extra wait for it to come out. That said, we're not immune to the sentiments that the community has about wanting more sooner than later and on a more regular basis. We are working to find ways to make that happen, but right now, we're in the middle of trying to get a lot of working parts in alignment in ways that we think you're going to be pretty happy with. We just can't get into all of those working parts as of yet, but we're hoping to as soon as possible. For me personally, I had spent a lot of time doing raids with my guild during the first years of World of Warcraft, and realized that while I was doing that, I hadn't done a lot of other things. I've been trying to go back and do them, such as work on factions, or even finish up leveling other characters. Right now, I'm using the Midsummer Fire Festival to level up my characters a bit more by visiting the fires. What's fun is different for everyone and I advise everyone to try to be respectful of everyone's experiences. A difference in opinion is not necessarily a bad thing. I would just caution everyone to stop tossing around "fanboi" on a regular basis. It's not a part of any productive conversation and needs to end. |
I've never been a fan of statements that attempt to "translate" what I've said. If many recall, Ruby Sanctum wasn't necessarily received with glowing praise by everyone. Many were likewise anxious for the next bit of progression content and felt that Ruby Sanctum didn't provide enough incentive (as far as gear went) to do it. I don't know the number of people that actually took part in that content, but if I recall correctly, it wasn't a large portion of the community or as many as you may believe. |