I did Dragon Soul raid finder on my hunter today, with the hopes of hitting 385 ilvl to get it into a normal DS over the weekend. All i needed was the glove token for my 4 set. Which is why i was excited when it dropped 4 times. However every single one of those drops, was won by a warrior or a shaman who had only queued in order to roll on loot for his friend, to give him a double chance to win. 4 times in one day.
I also have 5 other level 85 characters that i clear DS raid finder on every week, and it seems that now days the majority of people winning gear, are giving it to their buddies that they queued with. And opening a ticket doesnt matter, blizzard doesnt give jack sh*t about people CHEATING and essentially giving their friend an extra roll. They are essentially getting to roll twice on all loot, while everybody else gets to roll once. And the GM's that respond say only "What an individual does with the loot after they win it, is of no concern to us."
I did Dragon Soul raid finder on my hunter today, with the hopes of hitting 385 ilvl to get it into a normal DS over the weekend. All i needed was the glove token for my 4 set. Which is why i was excited when it dropped 4 times. However every single one of those drops, was won by a warrior or a shaman who had only queued in order to roll on loot for his friend, to give him a double chance to win. 4 times in one day. I'm sorry to hear about the misfortune, Umbriella. Unfortunately, as much as this may annoy you, we can't say those people who have been claiming the gear they're winning rolls on are cheating. By the current design of the system, anyone who is eligible to roll on an item is entitled to that item if he/she wins it. We recognize the initial implementation of Raid Finder didn't bring about the best loot system possible, so we're working on improving it. Redesigning the system takes time, however, which is why we're looking to have it done for Mists of Pandaria. |