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Account-Wide Achievements + Rep

blizz -> wysłany:
05/08/2012 05:26 PMPosted by Teora
Will this affect reputations associated with mounts? Say my Paladin is exalted with Ramkahen and I bought both mounts. Will I have to be exalted to use these mounts on my other characters?

The best answer right now is we're not sure. We're still discussing some of these details and honestly haven't drawn final conclusions as of yet. So just keep that in mind as you read on.

For Ramkahen, you'll probably just need to buy the mount once by gaining the necessary reputation on one character, in order to unlock it for all characters on your account. The challenge comes with the city mounts. If I have a dwarf today, I have to get Exalted Darnassus to buy a nightsaber. But if the nightsabers become account level, then I should probably just make a night elf rather than grind exalted on the dwarf. If that doesn't feel right, we could "fix it" by making the city mounts non-account level. Or we could let them be account level, but make you require the appropriate reputation to use them. If we did THAT, then it might make sense for all faction mounts to require a rep.

But again, the simple answer is we’re not sure yet. :)
blizz -> wysłany:
05/08/2012 06:56 PMPosted by Teora

The best answer right now is we're not sure. We're still discussing some of these details and honestly haven't drawn final conclusions as of yet. So just keep that in mind as you read on.

For Ramkahen, you'll probably just need to buy the mount once by gaining the necessary reputation on one character, in order to unlock it for all characters on your account. The challenge comes with the city mounts. If I have a dwarf today, I have to get Exalted Darnassus to buy a nightsaber. But if the nightsabers become account level, then I should probably just make a night elf rather than grind exalted on the dwarf. If that doesn't feel right, we could "fix it" by making the city mounts non-account level. Or we could let them be account level, but make you require the appropriate reputation to use them. If we did THAT, then it might make sense for all faction mounts to require a rep.

But again, the simple answer is we’re not sure yet. :)

Thank you for responding! I am glad to hear that neutral faction reputation mounts are being considered for account bound items. I am fine with the city mount issue, but to that extent is there any thought on the 12 mounts through the Argent Tournament being considered city mounts? Reputation is involved, but there's also achievements associated with these mounts.

Reputation titles like The Shattered Sun, of the Ashen Verdict and so on are also a question of mine.

I know you folks at the office have quite a lot to pick through with our questions and concerns. I greatly appreciate the amount of effort this company puts into the details of all facets of gameplay. With this added feature, no matter the outcome, I have a renewed excitement to continue my hunt for as many mounts and companions I can collect across all my toons. Thank you for that, Blizzard.

Yea, sorry, I left out your question about reputation-based titles because we don't have an answer as of yet. I guess you could say that also falls within the "we're not sure" category at this stage. ;)
blizz -> wysłany:
Hey Zar. Since you're at it, could you guys poke around some of the questions asked on the comments of that article for us?

I'm wondering if it's "wow licence-wide" achievements or " account-wide" ones, for instance.

For all intents and purposes, assume that the game doesn't really understand the concept of a WoW license. The account-level achievement system will all be based on the account and not each individual WoW license attached to it.
blizz -> wysłany:
So can we make Reputation account wide as well?
I mean it kind of already is since we can buy helmet enchants and tey are BoA.

There are a few reputation achievements that take forever to comeplete like the ones to get Exalted with PvP factions like the ones from Warsong Gulch or Arathi Basin. Are things like those being taken into consideration for account-wide achievements? If I could have added the reputation from all of my characters together I could have been Exalted with The Defilers or Warsong Outriders already.
blizz -> wysłany:
We don’t want to make reputation account-wide. We think that removes too much of the gameplay of having an alt. Harkening back to the blog, the goal is for players to feel free to play their alts. If you have a cool mount on character A, then that might be an issue. Being exalted on character A so that enchants are easier to buy doesn’t seem like the same issue. (What I mean is, it’s a short step from there to saying character A has better gear so you aren’t going to play B).

We can understand where the desire to have reputations function in this way stems from, however. For this reason faction rep is going to work a little differently in Mists of Pandaria and, we think, will feel better for players with multiple characters.