I rolled Worgen for the aesthetics not the racials....however I didn't realize until recently how much I'd come to use my race's ability.
Darkflight, a simple sprint effect on a 2minute timer. And yet because of it I doubt I will be able to level a DK as any other race.
In PvE I use it when killing from mob-to-mob or when I get in over my head as an escape maneuver. Even just running from the Bank to the AH it's proved useful!
In PvP it's on of my most used cooldowns. It allows me to kite enemies when I need distance or stay atop a ranged that's trying to get away. Also useful for carrying in CtF games when a plate wearer can sprint across the field.
So enough about my racial. Let's hear about yours! Have you come to love it as much as I have mine? How has it helped you out? Let' share some stories!