I just got my first 85 :D The armory probably hasn't update him yet, but he's definitely 85 (I'm so giddy hehe)
So.. I've never had an 85 before.. what do I do now?
Should I max my professions? And if I do start to work on my professions which one should I get? I don't like inscription that much but I think alchemy would be cool, but what about mining and it's related professions or skinning?
Should I start gearing and running dungeons? If I should do that, what should my item level be before trying heroics/raids? Or do I need the justice gear for that?
Should I work on getting a title? I was thinking about explorer.
I need advice! What should I do?!
Grats, Wolfmother!
I recently leveled a paladin to 85, and I’ve done a mix of everything. Running the dungeon finder has been super helpful for gearing up, prepping for end game, and learning how to handle increasingly difficult situations. While I wait in queue I wander out into the world to pick up materials for my professions, or to collect items for a quest. I’ve tried to combine everything, soak in each moment as it passes, and I am now eagerly awaiting the point where I can step into the raid finder to face Deathwing again, and from a fresh perspective. |