i like how ghostcrawler locks the post so no one can comment on his bad decisions. can someone at blizzard please fire this guy? how much logic can it take to make a bleeding game.
so stats are nice....yes....but for the love of god give stat buffs to the proper classes. rogue=8% sp dmg?.....that brilliant
dont you think it would be smarter to give that to say mages, lock(good job/applaud) and shadow priests?....you know.....classes that are based in......sp dmg? no you shouldnt give it to all caster classes but for the love of god....spread it out and make the buffs make some amount of logical sense.
-25% healing...dumbest stat in game......why dont you throw a -25% dmg done in there too?
whats the point of building your healer up only to jump into pvp and have your heals knocked down 25%? healers submit to stuns, roots and silence just like everyone else...and its not like they can make the guy attacking them just go away. why make it easier for that guy to kill the healer?....dumb...how bout u institute.....for every 10k healing i do i hurt the guy attacking me by 5k?...no...that wouldnt make sense would it? god forbid you actually have to fight to kill healers....would be terrible if you had to fight for over 45 seconds huh?
healers shouldnt do dmg.....dmg dealers shouldnt heal....its only logical...a concept blizzard has slowly but surely lost grasp of since BC dropped. if you want to let dps classes/specs heal fine nerf their dmg and force them to institute heals in their rotaion.....i did arena yesterday against a warr/hunter. the warr never once bandaged and did 297k healing.....wheres his mana bar..i musta missed that.
i could give you better examples on who should get what stats.....but i feel as though spending 1 hr to think it out.....would kinda be like doing your job....which you get payed for.....i on the other hand pay to play....why should i be doing your job to enjoy myself?
The post wasn't locked. Comments can still be made on the original blog post here- http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/4544194