I'm sure that all of you have done a quest that tugs at your heartstrings, or make you angry, or even so giddy you can't help but smile.
Leveling an alt of mine, I come back to Icecrown, and I always feel a pang of sadness, and anger when I get to the one "Finish Me!"
This war started long before Garrosh was Warchief. The blood of good men is on the Horde hands, far more than the Alliance.
What's your most emotionally rending quest?
One of the quests that was deeply emotional for me was a quest chain I stumbled upon unknowingly while finishing up quests in Northrend for the achievement “The Loremaster” during Wrath of the Lich King. The quest chain began with “A Tale of Valor” and concluded with “Light Within the Darkness,” and followed the story of Crusader Bridenbrad.
Only afterwards did I find out the deeper significance of the quests. During the World of Warcraft 5th anniversary interviews Robert Bridenbecker, VP of Battle.net, revealed that shortly after his brother's death, he sent an e-mail to Blizzard to request a character be created in his brother’s honor. Under the direction of Chris Metzen and Alex Afrasiabi, the Bridenbrad quest chain was created in tribute to Brad Bridenbecker's battle against his illness. In the times since then, when I’ve stepped foot onto Northrend I always make it a point to travel to Icecrown to complete this particular quest chain on each character of mine. The quests seem even more profound to me now within the context of their tribute, and I will admit that they also remind me of personal friends and family who were lost all-too early, but loved and remembered just the same. |