Apparently now you can get a free 80 without having to even lvl it ive been playing my druid for months and a lvl 6 passed me in one day this is making me very angry, considering i couldve just not paid for this month and did the same thing and got a free 80 why is it that your hurting the people that is paying a rewarding thos who stoped playing this is not the solution to the problem being caused by the mists of pandaria expansion this is only making things far more worse for example I was playing on my 82 priest earlier and a tank was in there who had no idea how to even tank this is completely ridculous and kills the entire game all this is going to do is make more people quit because it is the most unfair thing ive ever seen on any mmo why even try and lvl. I mean now endgame is going to be full of nothing but new players messing up bg,s and dungeons. Blizzard really what are you thinking your trying to dumb down the game too much......I stood by when there was changes to talents in cataclysm eventually learned to like it,I stood by when I heard of the talent changes in MoP but this is probablly going to make me quit. I have no reason to play anymore when all these new players are going to destroy the end game. And i also dont even want to hear its to bring back vetran players because i promise you itll bring more new players than anything....If your going to do this then you need to make it up to your paying players some how other than giving the ones who send this scroll a free mount.
Have a wonderfull day!
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