I dont get all the hate on the new SoR feature, Blizzard is doing a smart thing by trying to get more people back into the game so maybe some of our servers wont be as dead anymore, queues will be a little shorter, and maybe some of your old buddies might come back and play again.
So whats wrong with bringing in more players? Would you rather have WoW be an vast empty world where you can never find groups for anything? Or where there was never anybody around to gank? (no way!)
You know what you veterans get? a game that will hopefully get a boost of returning/new players, and maybe a few less "omg the sky is falling wow is dead" threads, and that sounds good to me!
Thanks Blizz!
If you wish to express your thoughts about the Scroll of Resurrection, please direct them to the following sticky thread: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4138437114