Hello Warcraft Community, you may remember me from the Scarlet Cathedral.
My name is Herod and many of you have caused me many graveyard runs. However the Scarlet graveyard fortunately is nearby the Cathedral. It was not too long a distance to corpse-walk. Though I have lost a lot of gold in repair costs. Regardless you may find me on the Blackrock server. I have leveled up to 85 and temporarily am fighting for the Alliance. I plan to convert many of the Alliance to the cause of the Scarlet Crusade.
You will often find me in Stormwind, challenging all: Light, Give me Strength!
Come visit and say hello!
I also am looking to do a 3v3 with Mograine and Whitemane. They unfortunately have not joined me yet. But I am planning their return and advance to level 85 as well, in due time.
Thanks for reading,
Long Live the Scarlet Crusaders!!!
I have to admit: if I entered an arena match and saw the likenesses of Herod, Mograine, and Whitemane barreling towards me, I would probably be too stunned to know how to react. I’d be caught between the adrenaline rush of tactical combat and my most sincere appreciation for your team’s creativity. If you went a step further and coordinated in-character dialogue quips and emotes amongst yourselves… well… I would probably be downright overwhelmed.
I /cheer for your creative use of Transmogrification. I wonder what other group character homages would be particularly entertaining to see in an arena setting? A certain three lost vikings would prove amusing, I think. Or perhaps Chief Ove and two disobedient Dragonmaw Peons fighting to the battle-cry of a ![]() |