Back in the Throne of the Tides on the elevator where you could mount up and your friend could click your mount and stand on its head? Bags of fun was had by me and my silly friends!
Do you have any funny memories to share?
It’s not so much funny as it was frustrating but several years ago some friends and I were running Stratholme to gear up a few of our characters. We had just cleared the ziggurat that Nerub'enkan resides in. Once we gathered our reward, we repeated loud and clear to hug the right side when exiting to avoid the creatures waiting outside. So of course, our friend runs out hugging the left side, pulling every single one of the remaining creatures. We try fighting through the mob but our friend keeps pulling more and more of them trying to avoid getting hit. Eventually we wipe. After yelling at our friend a few times, we finally just start cracking up over the situation. I guess if you knew the person, you’d probably find it as comical as we did. We still even talk about that incident from time to time and have a laugh. :)