So, I have been getting into a steady DS group recently. I've started to get to know them and they're some cool people.
Anyways, A lot of us have been playing this game for a long time. I found out our healer is only 10 years old. Then it hit me. I've been playing this game almost as long as this kid has been alive.
No. You're not old. The interesting thing about gaming these days is that many of us who are "older" grew up on video games from their inception. We often forget that. There is no "glass ceiling" by which you reach a magical number and then suddenly quit doing something you love. Like anything, if you start not loving the hobby you've chosen, you most likely will move on to something else whether it's video games, or collecting baseball cards, or anything else.
Gaming is also relatively "ageless" in nature. You don't have to be a particular body type or have any particular physiology to play beyond having the ability to understand the mechanics and rules of the game. Any other ability is completely independent of age or gender or anything else. I'll be griping to my grand-kids someday that I need a better internet connection (or upgraded wetwire) I'm sure. I don't plan to stop. |
I remember Christmas morning when we hooked up the Atari and saw the glow light up the TV for the first time. It was glorious. :) |