Most of us know that Blizzard's stance against botting partially depends on the the community reporting these bots. You know who they are, the /followers in BGs that get stuck on cliffs and trees, the miners in Uldum. This post addresses the latter: Hacked players in Uldum.
You're out farming, and you see that one person doing that kinda automated flying pattern, always flies straight up after mining? It's probably a bot, or a hacked player (both.), and you should go ahead and report them by creating a ticket ingame.
That is if you see them physically ingame. However, there are ways how you can tell a player is botting without even going into Uldum! This is you are bored, or feeling awfully passionate about stopping those botters on your server who ruin your economy.
1) /who Uldum
2) Look at their Armory history for suspicious activity + 525 mining
3) ?????
4) Profit!
With this, I am trying to encourage players to be more proactive a little bit with reporting bots, as they don't make this game fun for anybody. don't try to become obsessed with finding bots with this method either. I do my rounds once in a while, and have seen plenty of players *poof* from the game as a result.
Report them, but report wisely.
We appreciate that many of you wish to take an active role in reporting players that may be using third-party programs for illegitimate gains. As others have mentioned in this thread, however, such discussion would be better served by making sure your examples do not include the names or armory links of other players. Regardless of the intent, calling out other players is not permitted on the forums.
If you feel that another player is botting, you can report them by submitting an in-game ticket or by utilizing our Support ticket form: |