Is there going to be any updates coming in the next 10 months in the way of MOP articles or anything like that?
Any dev interviews or previews or videos or anything?
Or is there perhaps a big content patch on the way soon?
My sub is about to expire and I just want to know if theres any new articles coming to the site or content coming to the game - or if I should just let my sub expire until the next expansion.
Thanks for your time.
Is there going to be any updates coming in the next 10 months in the way of MOP articles or anything like that? Yes. (Information wise.) We have more planned for the near future in regard to Mists of Pandaria information. We are in the process of contacting media about an event we have planned for March. We posted the following on Facebook- A Break in the Mists: Alert the Press! You can bet that there will be plenty of coverage by the media and fansites plus we'll also have our own releases we are planning to do as well that will get everyone more in the know of our plans and development of Mists of Pandaria. *Updated to make it clear that the "Yes" is in reference to more information being on its way in regard to Mists of Pandaria. |
In what way? As in live to play? No. I can't give a time of release for that as of yet. We are definitely looking forward to getting player feedback (constructive as always) on an ongoing basis as we move toward the beta, through the beta, and beyond. In case anyone is wondering, the previous threads we did in which we asked for specific class feedback were appreciated and definitely have been seen. We don't plan to end anything here and now and as always, we'll be looking for ongoing feedback from you all as well on a variety of things for Mists of Pandaria. |
We'll be keeping everyone informed. Don't worry. We can't give time frames right now. As you know, we usually say it will be ready when it's ready. That said, I can reiterate that we are pushing forward very well on the next expansion and again point out that we were able to show so much at BlizzCon for a reason. I am not going to reassure you of when we intend for this to come out since I don't have that authority or permission to do so as of yet. We're completely aware of how quickly players consume content. We're also aware that not all players have consumed all of the current content either. Does that make us less aware that there are many who are ready for more? No. But, we want to make sure we deliver our best with Mists of Pandaria and it won't be long until you start seeing a lot more of what we have in store for it and for you. There are a lot of misconceptions floating around and being repeated that are based on what you believe is correct information or at least suppositions. Again, I am not in a position to clarify or negate those misconceptions beyond what I've said here. At least not yet. Hopefully, it won't be long before you will get that "big picture" look that you've been hoping for. |
I'm not sure if you are able/allowed to answer this, but can you provide us an estimate of when the new talent system will be released? We do have a plan to update the calculator with all of the changes that have been made (thus far based on constructive community feedback and internal testing) in the near future. I don't want to promise any particular date as of yet, though it could be mid-month that we're able to make those updates. As always, this is not a firm date/promise right now, it's just a guesstimate of when we may be able to update again. When we do update, we'll make sure to let you all know. Can you give us a sort of stand point on where you guys are after the alpha at Blizzcon? I wasn't there but I heard you had pretty much the entire starting zone for the Pandaren out. (Stand point being, what you're currently working on. Zone, graphics / design, female panda model, ect?) We did have a lot to show during BlizzCon including zone fly-throughs, the starting area for the pandaren etc. (It was definitely a lot.) I can't give you an update on where we are currently (that has to wait for the media), but I think the media event will be a great way for everyone to get a good look at it again and see for themselves. The female pandaren model is in progress. We're just not quite ready to show her yet though or discuss her. I can say though that it will not be the male model with a title over her head that says, "I'm a girl" any longer though. ;) |
Don't forget there is "soonish", "soonerishest", and "soonerino." I work diligently to create variations of the word where I can. Variety is the spice of life after all. |
Not sure why the Blues dismiss concerns like they do now, it was not always so. Neth is better than most but some are downright arrogant. We are most definitely not dismissing concerns. We have regular meetings and do reports each week specifically to point out the current concerns and issues the community is discussing. Perhaps it may seem dismissive if we aren't agreeing with an idea or sentiment, but that doesn't mean that we aren't still discussing it in some way. You have no need to ask for forgiveness for wanting to know more. We fully intend to deliver more and we did cover a lot of it during BlizzCon as well. We'll be refreshing that information however and moving you all forward with us by letting you know how things have advanced/changed and developed since then though. We love your questions. We just may not be able to answer them all when or how you want. We may on occasion be a bit more silent about things than you (or we) might like, but as I've said in the past, there is a method to the madness. What we always want to make sure of though, is that if people are asking questions or sharing feedback, that it be done constructively. We don't mind negative or viewpoints that aren't shiny and happy as long as they are done in a way that is constructive and doesn't become defamatory toward other posters or Blizzard employees. This is a place for discussions and it's important that when we come here to discuss, we do so with some thought and care for the people sitting behind the keyboards on both ends of the spectrum. In short, we care. We care a lot. We may not always show it perfectly, but we love the community we have and we love the work we do. Neth, I don't suppose you have any comment on how beta invites will be working for Annual Subs? I can't comment on this yet, but we will be putting together information on how everyone will be getting into the beta including those that signed up for the World of Warcraft Annual Pass. We know it's something people are concerned about and we want to make sure that we're as clear as possible on the process. |
No, it's Neth's way of saying that I was born in the year of the rat. Year of the dragon doesn't bode well for me since dragons eat rats, don't they? Then again, maybe we get along fine. I need to go look at the charts again to see... *I just looked. I'm all good. Dragons and rats are fine. phew. Dodged a bullet there. |