This is not the first time I've come across this. In this random, we had a ret specced paladin with a 1h mace and shield, and a priest who brought her.
I got told constantly she (pally) was doing "fine" anytime I tried suggesting something. No, you are not doing fine. When me and the hunter are doing 30% of the dps each, and you're sitting at 9%, that is not fine. I might add I never used caps, nor cursed.
I also hear "you were new once too". Yes, I was. And you know what I did? I asked a metric crapton of questions and read tons of things online so I wouldn't weigh down others.
"Needs to be decent with shield first" What does that even mean? She's ret and said had no plans of tanking. And even if she planned on tanking, It's still beyond me what that means.
The fact the instance is a cake walk is not the point, if you can't even gear correctly after being told, how could you possibly hope to do anything like heroics when you get higher? Raids? Don't think so. If either one of them had just said, "you know, i'll look into that" that would've been good enough for me.
If you're willing to listen to advice and improve, that's great, I'd be happy to help. But telling me to shut up because you're doing fine (despite all evidence to the contrary) is going to get you booted many a time in the future. Luckily it won't be from me, because you'll be on my list.