Ever since the Activison/Blizzard merger back in 2008 I have just had this terrible perseption that has recently come up in me that Activision has way to much of a hand in the way Blizzard's "profit" work's.
I've been a Blizzard fan boy since day 1 and probably always will be. I listen to a lot of podcasts, blizz related shows, etc. and I can't help but think that these other companies will be the downfall of my love for them. Yeah sure, blizz has always been an affiliate of Vivendi but they weren't persuaded in the way business was done. With this rush to get content out, keeping a $25 server transfer rate and other "store" bought items when it's obviously automatic now and maybe even keeping some thing's that cost money that probably shouldn't be in the game.
Maybe I just miss the old Blizzard when it was more of a focus on the game rather than the money. I'm not saying Blizzard doesnt care about the game's anymore, I just think their focus is more on profits due to Activision's vision (that sounds weird.)
Just wish Blizz was just Blizz. Maybe their focus would be different. Money breeds power and I think it's starting to get the best of them.