I know that this has been asked a bunch of times now but I still haven't seen a real response yet. DS has come and gone, in fact, you've already announced the regular 10% nerf to the raid so that those who've been struggling will be able to finish it in normal mode.
Wth these nerfs it has to be assumed that almost everyone will have completed DS relatively soon. So what's next? I know that Mists is your primary focus but that seems to be pretty far down the road yet since you haven't even hinted at a release date yet. I know the way that you guys work, and there's months of tinkering and beta testing before you generally release an expansion. I'd personally be shocked if we see it before July. That leave six full months of what?
I know that Blues have gone on record as saying that the 4.3 was the last content patch of Cataclysm but I just can't fathom that they assume that people are going to be content just hanging around doing dailies and farming DS for gear that will be vendored as soon as Mists eventually does come out. Last expansion you guys gave us The Obsidian Sanctum. For Burning Crusade you released the revamped ZA raid as a time filler. Will there really be no filler raid this time around?
There's got to be a plan. Doesn't there?
There does and there is. There's not anything specific I can share on a time frame as of yet, but things are moving along well with Mists of Pandaria and we'll be getting you all more information on "what's next" as soon as possible. For those that were able to see the next expansion at BlizzCon, you'll have seen that we were relatively far along in development. As we've said before, we're working diligently to put out expansions a little bit quicker than we have in the past. But, as always, we want to make sure we release "when it's ready" as well. *Note, the plan currently does not entail "filler" as per Dave's comments. |