Wasn't the ENTIRE reason you made LFR was so normal and heroic modes would not be touched?
Our raid team hasn't been able to sit down and work on heroic modes due to the holidays and my current business trip to Hawaii, but both our main and our alt group enjoy the state of difficulty at this current time. Once things settle down, we will be plodding away at heroic modes. For goodness sake, we cleared Dragon Soul on FIRST reset. This raid is NOT that hard.
Yes, of course we can turn off the buff, but let us be honest here, do you really think anyone will? The path of least resistance is the one that will followed and to purposely gimp your raid group makes no sense.
I am honestly shocked and rather appalled that you would do this Blizzard and very disappointed.
Locking to consolidate discussions on this topic to the thread here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3932904229