"Probably a WoW noob" ? EVERYONE was a noob at one time. =/
As a healer, it never occurred to you that First Aid would be useful, until around level 40 or so when someone told you it was a good idea.
Not me of course... *cough* I heard about someone that had this happen.
I was told that First Aid was useful for healers, and even when I was a noob I knew it was a load of BS. Oooh, I can heal myself for 30k over 8 seconds with a bandage....when I can heal myself 30k+ in 2 seconds with a Greater Heal. (inb4 someone says "but what if you're out of mana lolololol")
Oh, it definitely came in handy. Not as much now as it used to, but it definitely did. It helped me win a 25 minute duel too. ;p