Seriously guys (read people that are mad at blizzard for being horde bias lols) before going zerk mode, relax and really think about the story of Alliance/Horde, think carefully before posting crazy thoughts or you might get banned from forums as i have been (this one of my 5 accounts, yes 5 i know i have problems rofl).
I am posting this because i just finished reading the book Wolfheart and King Varian short story, and guys, its amazing.
Alliance will win in the end.
Theramore fall will be needed to create the background required to make Alliance victories so more flavorful, even tho i have absolutely no idea of how in the world the Horde would be able to launch a full assault on Theramore after having lost almost their entire assault army (read orc mainly forces since the other races are defending themselves as well) in the Ashenvale campaign, the only possible explanation would be if the goblins used that their over sized nerf gun of death on Theramore.
Anyway, this will make things much better lore wise, imagine the possibilities!
We might get Gilneas city back for good! Or even get a full remodel of Stormgarde capital, personally i would trade Theramore for a repaired Stormgarde any day of the week.
Well, that was a bunch of random stuff that i had to take off my mind, the point is, don't nerd rage... it will do you no good, just get you banned from the forums (like me lol)
ps sorry about any grammar issues, english is my forth language hehe.
Please try not to clutter the forums with repeat topics. You can discuss this in the active and open thread here: