As recently announced on the front page of the community site, we are in the process of adding new guild services that will make relocating to a new realm, switching factions, or changing your guild name easier than ever before. You can learn more about these services on our official announcement and FAQ here: As a part of this process, we're offering players on the select realms the opportunity to take advantage of these services before they become widely available, as well as help us perform additional testing for stability and functionality. If you are a guild leader on any of the NA realms listed below and are in interested completing a Guild Master Realm Transfer, Guild Master Faction Change, or a Guild Name Change, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. Agamaggan Alexstrasza Alleria Azshara Baelgun Balnazzar Blackhand Cho'gall Dark Iron Destromath Dethecus Emerald Dream Garona Goldrinn Gorgonnash Greymane Gul'dan Hellscream Illidan Kael'thas Kalecgos Kirin Tor Lightninghoof Maelstrom Malfurion Moonrunner Nazjatar Nemesis Ravencrest Spinebreaker Sargeras Staghelm Stormreaver Twisting Nether Ursin Whisperwind Wildhammer (Please note that we look forward to adding additional realm availability to the service, including EU realms, in the coming days and weeks.) |
As an update, guild services are now available to players on the following realms:
Agamaggan Alexstrasza Alleria Azshara Baelgun Balnazzar Blackhand Cho'gall Dark Iron Destromath Dethecus Emerald Dream Garona Goldrinn Gorgonnash Greymane Gul'dan Hellscream Illidan Kael'thas Kalecgos Kirin Tor Lightninghoof Maelstrom Malfurion Moonrunner Nazjatar Nemesis Ravencrest Spinebreaker Sargeras Staghelm Stormreaver Twisting Nether Ursin Whisperwind Wildhammer |
Update! We've opened up guild services to two additional battlegroups, Whirlwind and Emberstorm, which include the following realms:
Antonidas Anub'arak Blackwater Raiders Bladefist Borean Tundra Cairne Cenarion Circle Cenarius Darrowmere Drak'Tharon Drenden Echo Isles Farstriders Fenris Garrosh Hydraxis Hyjal Korialstrasz Lightbringer Maiev Misha Mok'Nathal Moon Guard Nazgrel Nesingwary Nordrassil Quel'dorei Ravenholdt Rivendare Shandris Shu'halo Sisters of Elune The Forgotten Coast Tortheldrin Uther Vashj Winterhoof Wyrmrest Accord |
(You're going to make me say it, aren't you?) Soon. |
Guild services are now available on the following realms, as well:
Arathor Azjol-Nerub Bloodscalp Bonechewer Boulderfist Bronzebeard Crushridge Daggerspine Darkspear Draenor Dragonblight Dragonmaw Dunemaul Eldre'Thalas Feathermoon Firetree Frostmane Gurubashi Nathrezim Perenolde Scarlet Crusade Shadow Council Shadowsong Silvermoon Skywall Smolderthorn Spirestone Stonemaul Stormscale Suramar Terenas Uldum Windrunner |
Yup! "North American realms" refers to any realm that appears in the realm list when launching the NA game client. This includes realms that fall under both the Oceanic and Latin America tabs, as well. :) |