There is a lot that goes into releasing public previews of each of the class tier sets, beyond just finalizing the art of the sets themselves. It starts with the art from the development team, then moves onto capturing screenshots (including all previous PvE sets) by Creative Dev, approving those screenshots by the WoW art team, formatting the layout of each article with finalized shots included, getting finalized text from the art team about each set, preparing/localizing all of this information so it's posted on each region's community site, then finally coordinating a global release time.
These steps are being repeated with each of the previews, which is why they haven't all come out in equal increments. If we were to have done all of the preparation for each in advance and then blasted them out over, say, 10 consecutive days, none of the tier 13 previews would be public yet. With all of that said, just know we're still in the process of releasing the previews for the remaining classes. :)