Whichever of you is actually experiencing the suspension can contest it via the Support Site.
Support Site https://us.battle.net/support/ When submitting the request, select the following options: -I can't play at all because... -I got banned or suspended and I wish to appeal I'm presuming, of course, this is an in-game suspension and not one for the forums. If this is, indeed, an inquiry about the forums, it's more appropriate to e-mail [email protected]. Keep in mind you can only submit these requests from the account that's suspended, as we are unable to provide details regarding another players' account. So if your friend is the one having the trouble, he will be the one that needs to make the inquiry. As has already been pointed out, discussing account actions on our forums is prohibited by our Forum Code of Conduct, so I'll be leaving this thread locked. Forum Code of Conduct http://us.battle.net/en/community/conduct |