Since the other thread is about to be post capped, what are the odds of the class restrictions being removed on tier pieces with the change to VP not being able to buy tier gear in 4.3?
With having to pray for an RNG raid drop, we're back in the boat of BC and early Wrath where you could go an entire tier without ever getting your bonuses completed. I agree with making the tier gear strictly from bosses, but this change concerns me, especially for 10m raiding, who are already at a massive RNG disadvantage.
So as stated above, what are the odds that we see the class restriction concept removed and just made general chest/legs/etc tokens drop?
This change to tier acquisition could either be the best thing or worst thing for 10m raiding based on that answer and design choice.
Ultimately, we recognize that making these set pieces available only as raid drops leaves players much more subject to RNG drop rates/loot rolls, but we have a couple of plans to try and alleviate the sense of burden that stems from the randomness of token drops.
The way tier 13 pieces will be obtained in the 4.3 raid won't be unlike raids past, meaning players will still need to roll on multi-class set tokens. That said, we'll be tweaking the tier 13 10-player drop rates a little bit (for the better) relative to the 25-player version, given that these tier pieces can't be purchased from vendors for Valor Points. In addition, due to tier pieces not being offered for Valor Points, another thing you'll see in patch 4.3 is a much wider array of desirable non-set loot (covering more slots than prior patches) available from the vendors, for those players who are unlucky with specific token drops, or who aren't interested in raiding -- although, once you get more details about the Raid Finder, we hope you'll find interest in having a go. I felt this warranted its own response in a separate thread, but for those who missed it, here's my response to the original thread about tier 13 pieces being raid drops only: