Does Blizzard police or enforce private trade deals between players or is it buyer beware? For example, if someone gave me the mats to make them the truegold and I just said "TOugh crap its mine now!" If he opens a ticket will blizzard take care of it or is he stuck?
Not that I'd ever do this, and I hope no one would do it to me but I was just wondering.
As others have already stated this is NOT a good idea if you wish to keep your account in good standing. It needs to be reported, of course, but things like tradeskill trades, done through the trade window are the type of thing we can investigate. Now, that said, there are other types of transactions that are totally buyer beware - like player made loans. Just not a good idea at all unless you know the player well and can totally trust them. We can't be an enforcer on a player made arrangement of that nature. |