My, Pahanda. You've lost a bit of weight and fur. /giggle
Regardless, the observations above are absolutely spot-on. If you see these kinds of messages, please report them by right clicking on the offender and selecting 'Report Player'. This will let our staff know about the behavior and allow us to correct it as soon as possible. It will also temporarily place the entire account on a temporary ignore list, so that they don't pester you again until you log out/back in. |
Actually, I know that it does, in fact, work. But I can't provide details on how it does, as it's simply not information I'm allowed to discuss. Rather than making conjecture with no basis, it may be better to trust the insight someone employed by the company in question can provide. >^.~<
There's a lot of things we do provide. Report Spam/Player didn't used to exist. Our policies regarding such sales and transaction have changed and evolved over time to become more effective. Even fundamental code in the game has been changed to combat various types of spam and gold sale advertisements. When was the last time you saw a bunch of floating bodies in Orgrimmar or Stormwind spelling out a website name? As a whole, these changes usually happen internally with limited external communication, and the general public may never see the full results (though as the floating body advertisement example illustrates, you may see some of them). Players aren't privy to the information and statistics regarding these things. There's good reason for that, as explaining the effectiveness and what we did only enables those who intend to get around the rules to do it better and more quickly. |
You seem to only be concentrating on the text I'm providing, because this clarification has been covered by other constructive posters in this thread. To highlight:
We can, and do, take action against accounts we find in violation of our terms. But so long as there continues to be a demand for an illicit service, and a profitable one at that, it will continue to exist. Any black market follows that philosophy, not just the gold selling one. You can continue to arrest and prosecute individuals who are guilty, but consider our situation in that many of the people who are "guilty" aren't even in control of their own accounts. Even if we were to permanently ban accounts that were compromised (which is practice I'd deem less than epic customer service), that wouldn't stop the people who continue to steal and abuse these accounts. The way to stop this phenomenon is to continue to report and discourage any individuals you might know who do purchase gold, or power leveling services, or buy/trade/sell accounts. When that stops being a demand, there will stop being a supply, and a need to advertise that supply. |
Keep in mind the context of the whole thread. Reading a single response I've crafted off a blue tracker on a popular website might not provide you the entire picture of the conversation. I have a sneaking suspicion similar questions may pop up in this thread, so let's spearhead that by recommending players review the entire thread first and leave a lock on this one. |