Seriously stop labeling casual players with bad players. I am an example of casual player. I work 35 horus a week, working on my thesis in college, workout schedule, job interviews and i Raid 9 hours a week. Look at my profile i am a testament of a casual player.
What the Random Raid finder is for, is that its For players WHO ARE BAD PLAYERS, not Casual Players. STOP with putting us casual players like myself to BAD PLAYERS of wow.
They need to cater to BAD players by using Random raid finder. I Raid only 9 hours a week have a job doing thesis, workout and iSTILL BE able to get my raid gears.
Bad players ARE NOT CASUAL PLAYERS, for example Bad players of wow are those people you see IN LFD with Wrong gem, enchants, PVP GEAR in LFD, PVE gear in Batlegrounds. Those are bad players that blizz is trying to cater to. Stop labeling us casuals to BAD players it makes me mad.