and even replicas of long-lost suits of armor that we’re offering for your Transmogrification needs.
My emphasis in that quote is "replica" as I am wondering if this means Blizzard will be bringing back old items/Tiers/weps/etc. with some type of notation on the item to distinguish those who got the item when it was obtainable and who received it after the fact? Something like "Shadow of.... <insert item name>." Also what about weapons & unobtainable shields? Will the Darkmoon Faire expand its services in the future?
A blue said they don't plan to bring back Tier 3/naxx items at the launch of 4.3, but does that mean the shady folks working at the Darkmoon Faire have plans on bringing these items back once they compile enough to stock their shelves? (Aka is Blizzard discussing internally whether they think its a good idea to bring this stuff back?)
My opinion on this: I'm not a huge fan of bringing back T3 and some of the really rare stuff from vanilla, but knowing full well how hard and grindy the Darkmoon Faire has been in the past I can see this perhaps being an acceptable way to keep these items both rare for the players who have them while available to players who really want them.