Well I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but...
We have an obligation to players and to our hard working artists to keep the game from looking too silly. I know looking ridiculous is fun for some players, but World of Warcraft was established with a design that the game overall kept its silliness in check. That’s one of the reasons we resisted adding a feature like Transmogrification for so long.
So weapons that look like fish, for example, probably won't be available as source items for Transmogrification, even if one is technically a dagger and has stats. There are a handful other weapons with "silly" models (such as frying pans, brooms, etc.) that may or may not be allowed -- it's still under discussion.
If this wasn't a total double standard, I would agree completely. Hell, I don't want to look silly, and I'd prefer others didn't either. But this is where you're going to draw the line? Really?
For the tiny minority of players that decide they want to have a silly weapon appearance, you guys are going to arbitrarily decide which weapons are "too silly" and which are not, and then have to worry forever after about people flocking to the forums because some new "unique" weapon type recently added to the game isn't allowed to be tm'd?
Yeah, good choice. That's not going to be a hassle or anything : /
Hey here's an idea: get rid of Moonkin form. I'm dead serious: Moonkin form. It's silly as hell, and I've always felt it broke my immersion. I actually campaigned against it back in Classic. After leveling 1-60 as Balance, I didn't want to be forced into looking like a deranged fat owl-bear with antlers. But nope, that got put in the game anyway, so I rerolled Feral.
And still no minor glyph to change its appearance, so Blizzard doesn't particularly seem to care about the game "looking too silly," now does it? All the cool looking Druid armors over the years have been replaced by a garish, stupid moonkin, and not a peep from the fashion police.
But now the game being "too silly" is a problem? What makes Moonkin any less immersion breaking than using a pitchfork? It's completely subjective. What about the Barman Shanker? How is a broken glass bottle going to pierce dragon hide? That item was so popular it even got remade, iirc.
This system is already too restrictive and conservative. Adding in subjective restrictions along with the objective ones is just suffocating it in bureaucratic red tape before it can even see the light of day.