I hope that this isn't too redundant, but I wanted to specifically say thanks to the devs and the CMs who listened to the community about the whole "appearance tab" thing, which I guess is a term we can all put on the shelf next to "Information Superhighway" now. Also I want to give props to the appearance tab thread gang for presenting your feelings in such an articulate and logical way as to have the idea resonate.
You buy an unquantifiable amount of brand affection when you go ahead and listen to the community. Of course you can't give everyone everything or even many things, but sometimes, rarely, to see the players and the developers have a creative discourse really defines one of the things that makes this genre of game exceptional.
It's also nice to see WoW's small but argent RP community get a really nice bone. I mean like throwing a dog a bone. Not that I sit around in the blue recluse typing in parenthesis all the time, but I have been holding on to my Argent Defender since eternity ago on the remote chance that someday this feature would be implemented.
People are going to really enjoy this feature, and I'm looking forward to doing relaxed off-night Black Temple and Hyjal runs to help my fashionista guild members perfect their kits. I'm just excited that bosses are going to be chewing on my Bulwark of Azzinoth from now on, rather than the little wrought-iron crafted shield I've been rocking for long enough to carry a small human to term (if I were a woman). This will add a new level of longevity to this game, and help players form a deeper connection to their avatars- which is important in keeping the population of Azeroth healthy in the face of beckoning alternate universes.
It seems like people are really excited, most notably and awesomely the CMs. Thanks.