I havent been on forums in probably about 2 years. Sorry.
What is an MVP - World Of Warcraft
And how is this "rank' obtained?
I apologise for being nooby.. I just saw it in a thread under a players name and yeah.. Had no idea. lol
What he said. :p Interested in being an MVP? Follow the Code of Conduct, offer up some quality posts to the community, and perhaps you'll have your 'druthers. ;) |
That's a difficult thing to measure. Keep in mind MVPs are players we feel do a good job of representing the community. So long as they're following the forum guidelines and attempting to be constructive, their posts don't always have to have a ton of weight or meaning. They're allowed to be conversational. They're allowed to dissent. They're allowed to be themselves. We just officially recognize them as generally helpful members of the community. They also have channels to communicate with us directly in the event they need more perspective on some of the things we say or do publicly, in order to ensure they're "in the know" on any hot topics.
There isn't really a hard-and-fast rule on this. We understand our players have lives. :) As long as an MVP keeps in touch with us and lets us know he or she would like to remain in the program, absence from the forums for a while is completely understandable. That said, we'd like to bring on more MVPs to watch the greenery grow on our forums!
Having been suspended from the forums or the game at some point in the past won't automatically disqualify a candidate. The severity of any action taken against a player's account will be weighted, as will the frequency of violations. We don't look for MVPs who are just going to parrot whatever Blizzard employees say -- we want them to have their own opinions -- but just the same, it wouldn't be smart of us to recognize someone as a valuable poster on the forums if they can't seem to grasp the concept of the forum Code of Conduct. ;) |